It’s a well-known fact that blogging services have become very significant to access data for millions of users worldwide. cemBlog is one of the efficient web blogging portal systems and potential users are able to perform such operations creating, updating and deleting on their Articles. Each user has own Control Panel to manage his/her articles in the portal. Potential users need to register and log into the system at first in order to perform some functionalities such as changing his password, deleting his existing article etc. All potential users(already logged in or not) are able to make a comment in existing articles. In terms of User data and operations, users have functionalities as registering, logging in, signing out, accessing location displayer, switching navigation bar language, editing his profile information, changing password for his account, searching in articles, accessing social media links and contacting with system administrator directly. Portal itself has nice, attractive and catchy animations and backgrounds to have a well-established UI design. Mainly, Python as a programming language and Python Django Web Framework have been used in construction of cemBlog.
Thesis has been created and built by Samet Cem Habiboglu (s17181) and will be submitted to Krzysztof Barteczko as a supervisor.