This thesis is a study on how to create a comprehensible visual identity system for the Maasai Mara
National Reserve. It was based on its current visual identity system and all factors that influence the
image of the Reserve, such as its wildlife and the inhabitants of the Maasai land.
Even though the visual identity system provides a tool for audiences to recognise and value the
Reserve, its main function is to create worldwide awareness of the main objective of the Reserve,
which is animal protection. The research problem was studied by looking into how the visual
identity system of the Reserve can be changed and what I needed to consider when designing a new
visual identity system. Additionally, the objective was to describe the importance of visual
communication through a visual identity system.
My findings suggest that the visual identity system of the Maasai Mara National Reserve allows the
receivers to identify the Reserve and to distinguish it from their competitors. For the Maasai Mara
National Reserve their visual identity system is nothing else but a specific visual and aesthetic code.
That code gives the possibility for the institution, which builds and solidifies the good image of the
Reserve, to spread the most important message in their environment, e.g. animal protection.
I have created a coherent, diverse, unique and appealing visual identity system. It contains various
graphic elements, which allow the audience to identify the Reserve and to distinguish it from their
competitors. The logo together with patterns create a peculiar visual and aesthetic code. That code
gives the possibility to spread the most important message of the Reserve which is building and
solidifying the good image of a Maasai Mara, but also to draw attention of the visitors to the
significance and importance of wildlife and its protection. Due to the visual identity system, the
communication between the Reserve and visitors is sustainable and consistent, which makes the
perception of the Maasai Mara National Reserve as comprehensive as and complete as possible.