In this work, I researched wearable computing and human activity recognition.
I analyzed the data from wearable sensors.
In the first chapter, I defined wearable computing, sensors, and human
activities. I provided an overview of commercial wearable devices.
In the second chapter, I explored the tools and methods of data analysis
in multi-class classification problems and time series analysis. I described
the stages of the analytical process and the dataset I used.
In the third chapter, I evaluated my analytical process. I analyzed the data
from an electrocardiogram, thoracic electrical bioimpedance, and electrodermal
activity signals. The activities analyzed were: neutral, emotional,
mental, and physical. The data comes from the open-access dataset. At
the end of the chapter, I summarised the findings.
In the last chapter, I concluded my research.
My interest lies in commercial and popular wearable devices. That is the
group I focused on throughout this work.