The web platform which was created during this project is a tool for teachers and students for testing
and assessing level of medical knowledge on desired topics. One of the main purposes of this project
is to provide an ability to replace exams in dissecting room, where it is needed to identify different
type of tissues by automatic testing system. Thus, this website supports not only regular text
questions, both single and multichoice, but also allows teachers to upload and manage images, for
example pictures of organs or tissues, as well as applying cross section to them, with auto numeration
of generated sections, so the teacher can address them in available question answers. This website also
provides a list of another very useful features for testing process like: gathering and showing statistics,
allowing to configure the test to randomly select questions of specified categories every time it is
taken, using already uploaded images and others. All of it shall make the medical knowledge
accessing process much easier. And given the current world situation, this project becomes especially
actual, where most of the human activities, whether it is business or studying, moves towards the
world of internet.