Consciousness always constitutes a formal entity which is able to create associations (Stażewski, 1929). This dissertation is about the scope it embraces. I will attempt to give evidence to support the claim that the broader picture, the more efficient analysis which comes from the synthesis, in the light of Witkiewicz's distinction between thought and feeling (Witkiewicz 2002, 11). Art will be presented as a reflection of a contemporary “atmosphere” created through means of artistic expression, a lyrical picture of an epoch. Art is based on relations and perspectives. Therefore, the more data for compression, the better quality of processing, and the interpretation of the essence which contains the relationship to phenomena.
Relationship between elements creates meaning. Perspective consequently transcends the separation of a unit in relation to the whole process of creation. Creation and reception involve making relationships, a comparison of proportion. Thus, to exist information needs contrast and interplay. Creativity transforms reality and reveals new possibilities of perceiving. Every artistic style is an outcome of thorough transformations caused by the shift onto different path, in which one finds a new consideration of reality in a world of common objects, which in the result, creates New Harmony of an inner world (Stażewski, 1929).
I will present consciousness as an active reflection and comprehension of an aim and a purpose of every passing moment in the ever present now, which is creation. It is about connections of forms ordered in such a way as to play on a viewer as accords on a listener (Stażewski, 1929). In contrary to spiritual notions of consciousness, as an awareness beyond the subject (Tolle 2005, 20), I will ascribe more dimensions to it: sensuous, cognitive, based on feeling, intuition, and analysis as “consciousness is what brings possibility or potentiality into manifestation” (Herr 2012, 25). I will also touch upon the subject of the Eastern view of the Ego, but I will treat it as a tool of consciousness not merely as an illusion of time and space (Maharaj 2012, 260). The transcendence of the Ego to the higher consciousness where the potential lies, beyond the emotions and concepts on which Small Consciousness relies, there is an understanding, and a clear seeing of patterns and possibilities of manipulation of forms (Herr 2012, 195). Therefore, in my opinion, the composition of consciousness resembles geometric forms, where measures allow to grasp relations which are characteristic of order. Geometry based on number is an order which is not subjected to time. Creation therefore is a constant becoming. Present, self-transforming pattern.
The narration of becoming is the conscious manifestation of ever present process of creation. The acceptance and conscious participation in this process results in the ecstatic state of belonging to the whole. Theory and practice arise from instinct and intuition, consciousness arises from analysis, while thought reflects matter and creates the picture. The outcome is the personality of a rejuvenated reality, which starts seeing order in chaos (Stażewski, 1929). Expressed artistically, idea and thought always relate to some sort of a matter. My intention is to explore the interaction between thought and matter. Because in the light of modern science, the observation impacts on and is essential for matter to become (Herr 2012, 13). What links to empirical idealism of Berkeley, “through constant observation we sustain existence of rationally constructed material world” (Szymańska 1987, 44). Furthermore, in artistic creation, matter expresses the inner state. This process leads to a euphoric state, enriches the perception of reality, and forms the metaphorical perception. The transcendence of conceptual comprehension opens new possibilities and establishes communication with the Big Consciousness (Herr 2012, 195), where higher harmony exists and is open to embrace a new shape. As the outside world exists inside, through connection to senses, the escape from conditional thinking opens new possibilities (Leary 1989, 26). Consciousness is, therefore, the source of pleasure coming from the creation of relations and logic that involves analysis. Logic is, therefore, the language of consciousness and becoming.