In the following work I will analyse the work of chosen surrealist animators on a
chronological Fmeline. The main aim of reviewing surrealism in animated film is to establish a
general way of how the movement evolved within the phenomenon of animated film, which I
will also invesFgate. My research is based on the work of arFsts from very different parts of the
world who were acFve in slightly different periods of Fme. I will strive to explore the field of
surrealist animated film basing on the works of arFsts from different parts of the world in order
to conclude whether or not there exists a certain paRern in the evoluFon of the analised
First I will focus on puTng some light on the surrealist movement, explain its roots and
beginnings, then I will proceed to explaining the history and general definiFons concerning
animated so that the definiFons I will use in the following parts will be clear from the beginning.
AUer that we will focus on analising surrealism in chosen works of Jan Svankmajer, Norman
McLaren and Jan Lenicabasing on three factors- visuals, sound and story. I will conclude in the
end of the work with a summary of the observaFons on surrealism in animated film in terms of
how it might have evolved through Fme.