The application "GeoFinderUI" is a program that returns to the user suggestive data about a given location, which were obtained from the minimum input data provided by the user. All search results are subject to the risk of incorrect data, this is due to the program finding the first, most matching search result to the input data entered. The idea behind this application is to reduce as much as possible the time needed to obtain geolocation data required in a defined business environment, which requires obtaining specific output data. The application was successfully formulated and written, thus achieving a fully functional program. Thanks to this project, I have achieved a much broader perspective on IT topics, mostly related to programming. My knowledge has been enriched with a lot of new information, skills and experience.
The most interesting and rewarding part of the application development process was the achievement of the set goals. Thanks are due to Maksymilian Kubica, M.Sc. for his professional supervision of the project and for providing many valuable tips during the process of writing the thesis. The knowledge and experience he imparted are invaluable, and his management of the project allowed it to develop properly. For providing a place to work, help during brainstorming, and support, thanks are due to all those close to me - parents and friends.