This paper examines the women in the animated series No Game No Life and compares it to the female characters from the movie Spirited Away by Hayao Miyazaki, to find out the differences in their portrayal. For the past couple decades anime has gained more attention all around the world, with the rising interest in the industry animated series became mass produced. While anime rose in popularity, the need for more characters became huge, because of this we can see that female characters are not as well developed, and they usually appear as a side character, a preference or a stereotype.
On the other hand, we have Hayao Miyazaki who turned the anime industry upside down and made it more recognizable in a positive way, creating unique and original characters that are well developed, original and fit their stories.
By comparing the stereotypical portrayal of female characters from animated series like No Game No Life, to female characters from Spirited Away I will find out how Miyazaki’s characters challenge the stereotypical portrayal of women in anime. With the results I am going to create a character for my book, The art of Suminagashi.