The project’s main objective was to provide users with cloud storage that can be accessed
from any device. We also decided to bring any other cloud storage into our application in
order to fix the issue of managing multiple cloud storage accounts and provide an easy way
for accessing those storages and their files. As a proof of concept we’ve added support to
add multiple Google Drive accounts and manage them from our application.
In this document, firstly, we’re discussing what is the concept of cloud storage and what are
the existing solutions with their pros and cons.
Then we are showing what our requirements were and how we’ve managed to fulfill them.
The next section tells about the technologies that we have decided to use and what are the
experiences we have had with different tools during the process of making our application.
In the next section we are presenting what is the architecture of the application and how it
was implemented.
Then we decided to include implementation challenges that we have encountered during the
implementation process. We’re describing the issues, what was our thought process during
planning and what was our final solution to the given problem with a little retrospective if our
solution provided the result that we were looking for.
In the next chapter we’ve decided to describe the topic of testing. We’re showing how we’ve
used them to our advantage and how they’ve ensured us that our application is correct and
manages user’s files safely.
In the penultimate chapter we have included the documentation for developers that shows
how to run the application and what parts it consists of. At the end we’ve also added the
manual to show how to interact with the application as an end user.
The final chapter summarizes the whole project including selected technologies, approach
that we’ve chosen and overall conclusions that we’ve come up with.