The aim of this study is to design and implement an educational program
utilizing both gamifcation and augmented reality technology. Educational
content will provide user an opportunity to learn programing through gamifed
process based on discovery learning. Augmented functionalities are used
within the program to provide more interesting way to interact with the
program, which fundamentally changes how user interacts with it.
Gamification provides means of making program more engaging to users.
The resulting program will give users small challenges that need to be solved
by robot that needs to be both assembled and programmed by user. These
challenges can be shared between instances of the program through QR codes.
Paper is divided into 3 distinct parts describing decisions, design and
implementation of the parts of the system utilizing these concepts. Along with
their explanation and exploration. Justification of decisions taken during
design process of individual systems calls for additional topics to be discussed.
Augmented reality chapter contains technologies and devices used for
experiencing and designing it. Chapter related to education explores potential
benefits related to use of programs for education and focuses on programing
specifically. Gamification chapter describes what gamification mechanics have
been used within the program and for what reason.
Additionally paper has two chapters that deliver more structure to the project.
The first chapter intends to provide information about project setup, such as
tools used to create and debug the program. The final chapter also intends to
sum up the study, compile UI and provide enclosing thoughts about the study.