Nowadays no one can imagine his life without movies, cartoons, or beautifully designed games. Fantastic worlds in animated films can highly affect and enlarge our imagination regardless of age or interests. There is no doubt that many people at least once thought about how that kind of things were been created.
So, how? Thanks to animation.
Animation is a so-called tool, which helps not only to tell a story, but also to show it, using a very interesting way - a method of photographing sequential drawings or 3D models to create an illusion of movement. But how it actually works is a more complicated than that.
Human’s eyes can preserve an image even less than of a one second. Because of that, when multiple images appear in fast sequence, our brain blends them into a single moving image.
To create a visibility of smooth motion (it can be done from the drawn or computer-generated images), must be considered a frame rate - the number of consecutive images that are displayed every second. The best choice is to use around 24 frames per second, as usually is done in the films. Such quantity of frames helps to avoid an uneven motion. (Maio, 2020) There are many kinds of animation styles. Below will be described some of them as it is very interesting topic to discuss.