Repozytorium PJATK

Analysis and implementation of an application for collaboration between students

Repozytorium Centrum Otwartej Nauki

Pokaż uproszczony rekord Kaszubowski, Mikolaj 2023-01-19T13:47:37Z 2023-01-19T13:47:37Z 2023-01-19
dc.identifier.issn 2022/I/ABD/53
dc.description.abstract Even though the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology is one of the best universities in Poland and is well known for its outstanding Computer Science education, it also has a few different departments that are also filled with highly ambitious people. There are five departments in the university: Computer Science, New Media Arts, Interior Design, Information Management, and Culture of Japan. As I have been a student at our university for the past few years, I could not ignore the fact that there are not plenty of options to communicate with students from different departments. Unfortunately, it is quite a disadvantage, as even the created student scientific associations mainly connect people from the same departments as why would somebody that studies New Media Arts join the Java Developer research circle? As I have been working professionally for around three years, I noticed that in every company I was working, I had multiple departments involved to complete one single project. Moreover, constant communication allows us to progress with the work more smoothly and efficiently, so I asked myself, why this model cannot be used during the creation of engineering and master's thesis in our university? This idea was the main reason why I decided to create the Interdepartmental communication application as I believe not only could it improve the created thesis, but also it could give the students the first glimpse of how the professional environment looks like, where the work Is divided based on your education and skills. Furthermore, I believe that students would be able to share knowledge with one another and develop additional skills that might be used in their future careers. pl_PL
dc.language.iso en pl_PL
dc.relation.ispartofseries ;Nr 7131
dc.subject Java pl_PL
dc.subject database pl_PL
dc.subject mobile application pl_PL
dc.subject SQLite pl_PL
dc.subject Android Studio pl_PL
dc.subject project pl_PL
dc.subject interdepartmental collaboration pl_PL
dc.title Analysis and implementation of an application for collaboration between students pl_PL
dc.title.alternative Analiza i implementacja aplikacji wspomagającej współpracę studentów różnych specjalizacji pl_PL
dc.type Thesis pl_PL

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