This thesis discusses and presents usages of
biofeedback to affect virtual reality environments in real
time in order to increase the immersiveness factor of VR
experiences. Main focus of the study is on noticeability
of users to detect what kind of biodata is being gathered,
and how is it used in virtual environments. In order to
conduct the research, the author used eye tracking and
heart rate monitoring in order to affect virtual environment.
The work begins with a brief look at methods that are
used to increase the immersiveness factor of VR environments,
as well as speculate in which areas biofeedback
solutions could be used. Then, the author discusses concepts
like biofeedback or virtual reality, in both theoretical
and practical terms, in order to outline the means that
are used to achieve the end result. After that, the study
procedure is brought up, as well as the implementation
of the work. Lastly, the author presents and discusses the
results of the study, and talks about how the work can
be expanded upon with future research.
In order to research the given problem, the author used
Unity game engine, HTC Vive VR googles, and heart
rate sensor handled by Arduino Uno microcontroller. Eye
tracking used in the project was emulated thanks to C#
script. With that, the author expanded an 3D environment
with biofeedback capabilities, and changed it in a
way so that the bio data of the user would affect it in