The research paper had been conducted in order to achieve a better study for the web application, along with the development process for the web application that can be helpful for maintaining the student details for universities. The “Student Management System” had been developed by using the programming language HTML, CSS and PHP. The front end and back end programming has been used in the corresponding research paper that had proved helpful for developing the database table that can be able to store the data of the web application.
Chapter 1 had been conducted in order to achieve a better understanding regarding the primary aim and objectives of the project. This chapter had also provide a discussion regarding the issues that had been faced by the users that has been collected by the researcher in order to complete the research work. There had been a structure of dissertation that had developed by using smart art that can be helpful for understandings the overall concept of the research.
Chapter 2 had been conducted in order to discussed and study the tools and techniques required for developing the web application using HTML,CSS and PHP. The overall concept regarding the corresponding technology had been illustrated in this chapter, along with the study for the different project that can be helpful for understanding the importance of the research paper.
Chapter 3 had provided a discussion regarding the methods that has been choose for finding the important information that had been helped for conducting the whole research paper.
Chapter 4 had provided the analysis of the programming languages that has been used in order to developed the web application.
In chapter 5 the result had been shown, along with the analysis that had been achieved from the student management system web application that had been developed for completing the research paper.
In chapter 6 the summery of the research paper has been illustrate, along with the recommended way that can be used for achieving a better web based application. The future scope and the limitation of the research paper had also been discussed in this chapter.