The main goal of this research paper is to examine the uses and effects of visual, temporal, and spatial abstraction in video games, and compare these with mimetic approaches to be able to point out possible benefits of abstraction in the current age of mimesis in the video game industry. As stated, the paper only covers visual, temporal, and spatial aspects, therefore ‘gameplay abstraction’ is not one of the main subjects, but these three domains are naturally interconnected with gameplay. Thus, the paper is mainly written for ‘game developers,’ ‘artists’ who work on games, and ‘game designers.’
The methodology of the paper will follow the pattern of describing a certain type of abstraction, determining how it is achieved and what are its effects, contrasting it with mimetic methods, and finally, exemplifying both sides of the spectrum. This pattern will be followed in the whole of the paper, less so in the later chapters where the references to previous explanations and terms will be employed.
The subjects that the paper will cover in its chapters will be as follows: (1) Introduction, state of the art and literature review, statement of the main issue, and scope; (2) Concepts and definitions, defining terminology, scopes, reference frames, and means for each type of abstraction, as well as defining mimesis and ups and downs of mimetic approach; (3) Critical comparison of abstraction in Fallout 1-2 and 3-4, examination of four titles from Fallout video game series and comparing them in two pairs, solidifying the findings in literature review and assumptions with observational data; (4) Research project: social experiment: effects of abstraction on ambiguity, emotional impact, and clarity of communication in video games, grounding the theoretical research via a social experiment in 3-parts; (5) Conclusions, summary, and the final comments from the author.