Dreams are a series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the
mind during certain stages of sleep, a combination of distorted and unbelievable actions
similar to real-life ones. It has been a very significant and intriguing topic over centuries and
many times played the important mechanism and source for artistic implementation through
It was always connected to a variety of spheres, where it could be related and explained due
to its specificities, such as religions or art.
There are a lot of scientific studies and experiments provided, which helps us understand it
better, how our brain works and changes due to personalities, health, age and many different
aspects while we are asleep. But the question exactly why we are dreaming remains secret
and counts in itself many theories.
Throughout history, a lot of artists, painters, musicians, authors found themselves
deeply inspired by the world of dreams and created countless works of art. The topic of
dreams was usually used as a plot twist or just was taken from their own experience. That
field was very popular in antique times, middle ages and still trending due to modern days.
One of the best examples is well-known and beautifully written Lewis Carroll’s classic novel
“Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'', which could be considered as one of the best examples
of the nonsense genre in literature, The whole plot of the story was built around surrealistic
events happening during Alice's dream. Due to this novel, a lot of other artists created their
adaptation such as cartoons, illustrations, movies, live-action, video games, music
composition and more. I decided to choose a beloved animated version of it, created by “The
Walt Disney Company” in 1951 for its vivid representation of the story, classical status and
fame in every generation.
One important source of information to analyze “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland”
was “The Interpretation of Dreams” written by Sigmund Freud, who was famous neurologist,
the founder of psychoanalysis, theories and techniques connected to the study based on the
associations, dreams and fantasies of the patient, was one of the first and famous
psychologists who dedicated a huge part of his research to oneirology and psychology of
dreams. And based on his works, and this one, in particular, many other modern psychologists took ideas and deepened knowledge in this field. It was also considered by
many oneiromancies books or other interpretations of dreams literature.
After all, cartoon “Alice in Wonderland” could be analyzed due to the topic of
dreams, using different tools, which were mentioned before, such as symbols and experience
used in art connected with dreams in antiquity, middle ages and modern era, general
considerations about dreams in science, psychological side of the question, Sigmund Freud’s
dream mechanics as it was discussed in his famous work “The Interpretation of Dreams” and
my own perception and bits of knowledge after researches.