dc.description.abstract |
The work examines protest images from Polish manifestations between the years 2015-2019 –
from both the visual and social perspective. The introduction to the paper provides a deeper
analysis of the topic of political graphics, as well as an explanation of the concept behind
‘protest images’. Later on, I try to answer why I’ve decided to choose particular posters as the
main representative of protest images, what is its role in Polish history and why I’ve decided
to examine the Polish political scene between the years 2015-2019. Next, I analyse protest images
on example of: Women’s Strike protests, the demonstrations against Judicial reforms and
the far-right protest imagery. After briefly analysing the chosen images, I use them as examples
to better examine and describe protest images’ role and transformation within the internet,
social media and new media technologies. I try to see how different contexts change their
character, as well as how new technologies may affect the design choices now and in the future. |
pl_PL |